'World Mu 2' is a mobile MMO that tells the story of a mysterious ancient continent, and features seven main races, such as Warrior, Witch, Elf, Gladiator, Lord, Summoner, and RageFighter.
During the role-playing experience, each class and character has strengths, the ability to equip a knack for and its own features.
"World Of Medusa- the world of heroes"
- The gameplay remains verbatim, easy to play, and full of inspiration
- Character and skill systems remain the same
- Graphics in Unity 3D
- Stunning and unique
- A rich and bleed PK: Freely PK around the map, Guild Wars!
- Ingame activities include Castle Blood (Blood Castle), Devil Square (Square Devils), Golden Dragon Hunt, hunters, and leveling.
- Pets and furniture in-game are rich and detailed.
- Auctions, flea markets, and free trade of game items.