Haunted by Femboy APK 下载

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App By:
2025 对于Android
Android 5.0+
1月 07, 2025
1 GB

About Haunted by Femboy APK

A Hauntingly Charming Roommate

Inheriting your parents' mysterious old house, you stumble upon an ancient, dust-covered book in the attic. In a moment of curiosity (or folly), you open it—and inadvertently summon a mischievous femboy ghost bound to your home!

Now, with the two of you sharing the same roof, your life takes an unexpected turn. The ghost, playful yet oddly endearing, quickly becomes both a challenge and a companion. Together, you must navigate the strange happenings in the house and uncover its secrets.

Your ultimate mission? Locate the missing pages of the ancient book to understand its origin, restore its power, and possibly unbind your spectral roommate—if you even want to. Along the way, you'll explore forgotten rooms, decipher cryptic clues, and maybe even build an otherworldly bond with your charmingly unconventional companion.

Do you have what it takes to unravel the mysteries of the house and coexist with its enchanting resident?

下载 Haunted by Femboy APK 对于Android

Haunted by Femboy APK 是可在我们的商店中使用的Android应用。 您可以下载所有版本,包括最新版本- 2025 Haunted by Femboy APK 是安装次数超过10,000,000的应用。 如果您要在设备上安装 Haunted by Femboy APK,则应具有 1 GB 可用空间,并且您的 android 设备也需要具有 Android 5.0+ Android OS版本或更高版本。 Haunted by Femboy APK 由开发人员 Nuteku 以 Role Playing 的类型创建。

ApkClone 提供了 Haunted by Femboy APK 的所有版本,您可以将其直接下载到您的手机或任何 android 设备上。您应该按照上面的链接进行下载,在其中您可以看到许多下载应用程序的链接。 当然,您可以在 PC 上使用 Haunted by Femboy APK,因为您应该使用模拟器。 我们网站上的所有应用和游戏仅供个人使用。 在 Android 上免费下载 Haunted by Femboy APK