Quasar 1.4 APK Baixar

App By:
1.4.1 para Android
Android obrigatório:
Android 6.0+
Atualizado em:
jan 26, 2025
3.28 MB

About Quasar 1.4 APK

Quasar APK is a lightweight, high-performance remote administration tool (RAT) designed for seamless remote control and monitoring. Written in C#, Quasar provides a versatile range of features ideal for IT professionals, administrators, and advanced users. With its fast performance and user-friendly interface, it offers a reliable solution for tasks ranging from user support to comprehensive system management.

Key Features of Quasar APK

Efficient Networking Capabilities

  • TCP Network Stream: Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 for advanced connectivity.
  • Fast Serialization: Utilizes Protocol Buffers for rapid data transfer.
  • Encrypted Communication: Implements TLS encryption for secure connections.

Advanced Remote Administration Tools

  • Task Manager: Monitor and manage running processes remotely.
  • File Manager: Seamlessly transfer, delete, or organize files on the target system.
  • Startup Manager: Control programs and processes that run at system startup.
  • Remote Desktop: Provides real-time access and control of the remote system.
  • Remote Shell: Execute commands directly on the target machine.
  • Registry Editor: Modify registry entries for advanced troubleshooting or configuration.

Monitoring and Control Features

  • Keylogger: Tracks and logs keystrokes with full Unicode support.
  • System Power Commands: Remotely restart, shut down, or put the system into standby mode.
  • Password Recovery: Extracts passwords from common browsers and FTP clients.
  • Reverse Proxy: Supports SOCKS5, enabling secure proxy configurations.

Additional Functionalities

  • UPnP Support: Automates port forwarding for seamless connectivity.
  • System Information Viewer: Provides detailed insights into hardware and software configurations.

How to Use Quasar APK 1 4 Mod?

Download and Install

Obtain the APK from a trusted source and install it on your device.

Ensure installation from "unknown sources" is enabled in your device settings.

Set Up Connections

Configure network settings, including TCP/IP details, for communication.

Use UPnP for automatic port forwarding or configure ports manually.

Utilize the Features

Launch the application and connect to the target system.

Explore and use the features like file management, task monitoring, and remote desktop.

Secure Your Setup

Always use encrypted communication for secure interactions.

Restrict access and ensure configurations align with legal and ethical guidelines.

Baixar Quasar 1.4 APK para Android

Quasar 1.4 APK é um aplicativo Android que está disponível em nossa Loja. Você pode baixar todas as versões, incluindo a versão mais recente - 1.4.1 . Quasar 1.4 APK é um aplicativo que possui mais de 10.000.000 de instalações. Se você for instalar Quasar 1.4 APK em seu dispositivo, ele deve ter 3.28 MB espaço disponível, também seu dispositivo Android deve ter Android 6.0+ versão do sistema operacional Android ou superior. Quasar 1.4 APK foi criado pelo desenvolvedor Quasar no gênero Tools.

ApkClone está fornecendo todas as versões do Quasar 1.4 APK e você pode baixá-lo diretamente para o seu telefone ou qualquer dispositivo Android para que você baixe o link acima, onde você pode ver muitos links para baixar o aplicativo. Claro que você pode usar Quasar 1.4 APK no seu pc, para isso você deve usar emuladores. Todos os aplicativos e jogos em nosso site são destinados apenas para uso pessoal. Baixe Quasar 1.4 APK gratuitamente no Android.