Thats Not My Neighbor APK Ściągnij

Thats Not My Neighbor APK icon
App By:
Nacho Sama
1.0.3 dla Android
Wymagany Android:
Android 5.0+
mar 05, 2024
229.6 MB

About Thats Not My Neighbor APK

Read everything carefully!

You can download for a better downloading experience.

Verify that your GPU supports Vulkan and that it is up-to-date.  

You can find out which GPUs support Vulkan here: Link!

Go to the performance tab in the task manager and click on GPU to see which GPU you have.

Depending on your platform, please download the "Can My PC Run It", "Can My Mac Run It" or "Can My Linux Run It" files, and if you are able to run it, then you can play the game. This file does not have any neighbors, when the D.D.D. guy finishes his talk, the demo ends, and all you can do is click the stuff in the office. There is a bug when you call a nonexistent number in the demo, but it has been fixed in the newest version.

Problems with the game include:

Having trouble downloading the game? Check your browser, antivirus, and Windows Defender for blocked files, this is because it is an .exe file (click on show more and choose keep anyway).

The game will constantly blackout if you delete it and re-download it

If your computer blocks the game when you try to open it, just click on Showmore and click on Run anyway.

The cursor appears with a black line under it, indicating that your drivers need to be updated.

It is pretty random and it doesn't happen every game, but if it stops working in the middle of a level, you just need to take the game out of full screen, click the phone, and dial one number. Occasionally, after it is fixed, it will stop working again, but just do the same thing.

If one of the folders won't open, just open the others, minimize the problem folder, and then close it again.

My apologies if I can't help everyone, but it is difficult for me to assist everyone with their problems, so if I couldn't help you and your problem wasn't resolved, please request a refund.


Doppelganger Detection Department (DDD) needs you!

A vacancy exists for a doorman position in your building, and since you can't find a job and need the money, you have no choice but to fill it.

During 1955, Doppelgangers were more prevalent than usual due to unknown reasons, so the D.D.D. took action.

You will be responsible for allowing or denying entry to the building to those who request entry, it seems simple enough, but you must be careful not to overlook any details or you will become food for doppelgangers.

Ściągnij Thats Not My Neighbor APK dla Android

Thats Not My Neighbor APK to aplikacja na Androida dostępna w naszym sklepie. Możesz pobrać wszystkie wersje, w tym najnowszą wersję - 1.0.3 . Thats Not My Neighbor APK to aplikacja, która ma ponad 10 000 000 instalacji. Jeśli zamierzasz zainstalować Thats Not My Neighbor APK na swoim urządzeniu, powinno ono mieć dostępną przestrzeń 229.6 MB, a także urządzenie z Androidem musi mieć wersję Android 5.0+ Android OS lub wyższą. Thats Not My Neighbor APK zostało stworzone przez programistę Nacho Sama w gatunku Simulation.

ApkClone zapewnia wszystkie wersje Thats Not My Neighbor APK i możesz pobrać je bezpośrednio na swój telefon lub dowolne urządzenie z Androidem. W tym celu należy pobrać powyższy link, gdzie można zobaczyć wiele linków do pobrania aplikacji. Oczywiście możesz użyć Thats Not My Neighbor APK na swoim komputerze, ponieważ powinieneś używać emulatorów. Wszystkie aplikacje i gry w naszej witrynie są przeznaczone wyłącznie do użytku osobistego. Pobierz Thats Not My Neighbor APK za darmo na Androida