Flowframes APK Ściągnij

Flowframes APK icon
App By:
1.36.0 dla Android
Wymagany Android:
Android 5.1+
sty 14, 2025
2.4 MB

About Flowframes APK

Flowframes is a simple yet powerful application that leverages advanced AI frameworks to interpolate videos, effectively increasing their framerate in the most natural and seamless way possible. Whether you're a casual user or a professional, Flowframes offers a suite of features designed to make video interpolation intuitive and efficient.

Why Choose Flowframes 1 36 0 Free Download APK?

Flowframes is tailored to enhance video playback and editing by providing:

  • Natural-Looking Frame Interpolation: Advanced AI models ensure smooth transitions between frames without compromising quality.
  • Ease of Use: With everything included in one package, there’s no need for additional software or complex installations.
  • Versatile Compatibility: Supports a wide range of video formats and devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Latest Versions and Availability

The most up-to-date versions of Flowframes are temporarily exclusive to Patreon supporters, offering premium features and cutting-edge improvements. While the free version (currently 1.36.0) is accessible via itch.io, it does not include the latest advancements.

Patreon-Exclusive Features

  • New AI Models: Faster speeds and improved quality for superior interpolation.
  • Real-Time Output Mode: Interpolate videos in real time.
  • VapourSynth Implementation: No need to extract video frames before interpolation.
  • Enhanced Video and Audio Encoding: Improved quality and efficiency.
  • Additional Quality of Life Features: Streamlined workflows and user experience enhancements.

Key Features 1 40 Download APK

AI Model Support

  • Focused on RIFE AI, known for its high-quality results.
  • Supports additional models like DAIN and experimental options such as FLAVR and XVFI.
  • Optimized for AMD GPUs through NCNN/Vulkan.

Comprehensive Format Compatibility

  • Input Formats: MP4, GIF, WEBM, MKV, MOV, BIK, and more.
  • Image Sequences: Accepts PNG, JPEG, and other formats as input.
  • Output Formats: Export videos in MP4, MKV, WEBM, MOV, or as GIFs or individual frames.

Advanced Video Codecs

Export using modern codecs like H265/HEVC, VP9, and AV1 for optimal compression and quality.

Audio and Subtitle Preservation

Retain all original audio and subtitles from the input video without quality loss.

Specialized Features

  • Frame De-Duplication: Ideal for improving 2D animations by removing duplicate frames.
  • Speed Compensation: Adjust playback speed without introducing artifacts.
  • Scene Detection: Automatically identifies scene cuts to avoid interpolation errors.


Flowframes is the go-to application for anyone seeking high-quality video interpolation powered by advanced AI. Its robust feature set, ease of use, and support for a wide range of formats make it a versatile tool for professionals and enthusiasts alike. For the best experience and access to the latest features, consider joining the Patreon community. Transform your video editing workflow with Flowframes today!

Ściągnij Flowframes APK dla Android

Flowframes APK to aplikacja na Androida dostępna w naszym sklepie. Możesz pobrać wszystkie wersje, w tym najnowszą wersję - 1.36.0 . Flowframes APK to aplikacja, która ma ponad 10 000 000 instalacji. Jeśli zamierzasz zainstalować Flowframes APK na swoim urządzeniu, powinno ono mieć dostępną przestrzeń 2.4 MB, a także urządzenie z Androidem musi mieć wersję Android 5.1+ Android OS lub wyższą. Flowframes APK zostało stworzone przez programistę N00MKRAD w gatunku Tools.

ApkClone zapewnia wszystkie wersje Flowframes APK i możesz pobrać je bezpośrednio na swój telefon lub dowolne urządzenie z Androidem. W tym celu należy pobrać powyższy link, gdzie można zobaczyć wiele linków do pobrania aplikacji. Oczywiście możesz użyć Flowframes APK na swoim komputerze, ponieważ powinieneś używać emulatorów. Wszystkie aplikacje i gry w naszej witrynie są przeznaczone wyłącznie do użytku osobistego. Pobierz Flowframes APK za darmo na Androida