Hard Time MOD APK Download

Hard Time MOD APK icon
App door:
1.500.64 voor Android
Vereist Android:
Android 5.0+
Bijgewerkt op:
mrt 20, 2024
24.2 MB

About Hard Time MOD APK

The toughest prison simulation in the yard is now celebrating 10 MILLION downloads!

Make your own inmate and try to survive in a prison where every sentence is a death sentence. Rub shoulders with up to 100 fellow inmates in a sprawling jail filled with 12 unique areas. You'll also get to experience a world outside the jail full of real civilians, with wardens enforcing dozens of laws to prevent you from leaving.

Each day, you will find your health and mental state slipping away. Sleep can restore both - and is also a great way to pass time. Nonetheless, you won't always be able to sleep, so food and drink fill the gap. In addition to these activities, other activities, such as reading or watching TV, can also help to improve your mental state. You will lose control of your character if you "lose your mind" (almost definitely getting into trouble!).

Among your character's attributes are the following:

  • A person's strength depends on how much damage he or she can inflict or absorb. A person can improve it by fighting and lifting weights.
  • Your AGILITY determines how fast you move. Jogging in the backyard or scoring baskets improves it.
  • Your INTELLECT reflects your knowledge as well as your fighting skills - such as counters. You can improve your INTELLECT by reading books.
  • Having a good reputation is about how much respect you earn from other prisoners. A positive reputation can be earned through accomplishment or intimidation.

You can also earn money - using a broom, trading items at a profit, or joining a gang. Having money increases the chances of making your life easier inside.

When necessary, you may need to go to the bathroom. To spare your blushes, you should find a toilet to sit on or grab some toilet paper to spare your blushes. Failing to do so will damage your reputation and mental health.

As there is more to this game than I can explain here, I hope you enjoy figuring some things out for yourself.

With a VIP subscription, you can enjoy full access to the game without ads - as well as access to the editor to customize your character and others.


You can find tutorials within the actual game.

In the game, buttons have letters like GTA that indicate what they do:

G = Grapple / Throw weapon

T = Taunt (interact with handheld props)

A = Attack (on its own to kick, with a direction to punch)

R = Run

P = Pick-Up / Drop


  • When ATTACK and RUN are pressed together, a powerful attack will be launched.
  • You can trigger a different move by pressing any button in any direction (or none at all) during a grapple.
  • Set a small object on fire by pressing RUN and PICK-UP simultaneously (which can then be used to set a large object on fire).
  • When you touch the clock, you'll be able to pause the game and see exit options.
  • A speech bubble can be touched to speed up a conversation.


  • Consider keeping the "Population" option low if you have trouble displaying lots of characters.
  • The "Speed Up Frame Rate" sleeping option requires good frame rate performance.
  • The "Display" options allow you to turn down other features.

Download Hard Time MOD APK voor Android

Hard Time MOD APK is een Android-app die beschikbaar is in onze Store. Je zou alle versies kunnen downloaden, inclusief de laatste versie - 1.500.64 . Hard Time MOD APK is een app die meer dan 10.000.000+ installaties heeft. Als je Hard Time MOD APK op je apparaat gaat installeren, moet er 24.2 MB ruimte beschikbaar zijn, ook moet je Android-apparaat Android 5.0+ Android OS-versie of hoger hebben. Hard Time MOD APK is gemaakt door ontwikkelaar MDickie in het genre Action.

ApkClone biedt alle versies van Hard Time MOD APK en je kunt het rechtstreeks naar je telefoon of elk Android-apparaat downloaden. Daarvoor zou je de bovenstaande link moeten downloaden, waar je veel links zou kunnen zien om de app te downloaden. Natuurlijk zou je Hard Time MOD APK op je pc kunnen gebruiken, daarvoor zou je emulators moeten gebruiken. Alle apps en games op onze site zijn alleen bedoeld voor persoonlijk gebruik. Download Hard Time MOD APK gratis op Android.