Namida APK 다운로드

Namida APK icon
앱 작성자:
2.5.6 Android 용
필수 안드로이드:
Android 5.0+
업데이트 날짜:
6 19, 2024
36.2 MB

About Namida APK

This beautiful and feature-rich music player is built using the Flutter framework and supports Youtube

Features of Namida APK

A music player should include everything you might expect, plus:

Indexing & Library

  • A powerful indexer and tag editor powered by @jaudiotagger.
  • Genre and artist separators.
  • Avoid duplicating tracks.
  • Make sure the file size and duration are set to a minimum.
  • A folder-based library system that allows you to exclude folders as well.
  • You can sort by almost any track or album property.

Look & Feel

  • A theme resembling Material 3.
  • Player colors are based on the album artwork for Dynamic Theming.
  • Tracks, Albums, Artists, Genres, Playlists, Queues, and Folders pages.
  • Waveform Seekbar.
  • Customizations abound (see customization section).


  • High-quality video and audio
  • Audio Only Mode
  • Support Caching & Offline Playback
  • Support Downloads
  • A video view with gesture support (swipe to control volume, double tap to seek, swipe up/pinch in to go fullscreen, etc.)
  • Tags for downloads should be edited
  • The ability to automatically extract title/artist/album information for downloading and scrobbling


  • Sleep Timer (Tracks or Minutes)
  • A crossfade effect, play/pause fade effect, as well as skip silence are included.
  • Pausing scenarios (calls, notifications, volume zero, etc.) can be controlled.
  • The parameters to be used for filtering tracks in search lists should be defined.
  • Global Tracks Selection
    • You can select from multiple places at the same time.
  • Don't miss a session!
    • Your sessions are saved for later use in a persistent and reliable queue system.
  • History System with Reliability
    • The system permits you to specify minimum seconds/percentage to count a listen, despite being a flexible one (easily modified, manipulated, imported).
  • Playlist with the most views
    • Find out what your top tracks are based on your history.

Some additional cool features:

Smort Tracks Generation:

Uh, with dis advanced algorithm, you can generate tracks related to the one you are listening to, typically the ones you often listen to during the same period.

Additionally, you can generate tracks released around the same time, or from a specified range of time, or based on ratings, moods, or randomly.

Thumbnail animation:

It looks cool to have a thumbnail that animates with the current audio peak.

Miniplayer Party Mode:

Edge breathing can be applied, colors can be static or dynamic (all colors are extracted from the artwork).

Particles Effect

With the audio peak, they also speed up

Track Play Mode

You can select whether to play the selected track only, the search results, the album, the first artist, or the first genre when playing from the search.

After the latest insert, insert

Do you want to insert multiple tracks one after another? Here's how you do it.

Repeat for N times

A repeat mode that allows you to repeat a track as many times as you like is included in this one, along with the normal repeat modes (all, none, one).

Artist extract feat. & ft.

The featured artists will have their own entry within the artists tab, so you won't miss them.



You'll find plenty of options/customizations in the settings and inside dialogs, so be sure to check them out.

다운로드 Namida APK Android 용

Namida APK 은 스토어에서 사용할 수있는 Android 앱입니다. 최신 버전 ( 2.5.6 )을 포함한 모든 버전을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. Namida APK 은 설치 횟수가 10,000,000 회 이상인 앱입니다. 장치에 Namida APK 을 설치하려는 경우 36.2 MB 공간이 있어야하며, Android 장치에도 Android 5.0+ Android OS 버전 이상이 있어야합니다. Namida APK 은 Entertainment 장르의 Namida 개발자가 만들었습니다.

ApkClone 은 Namida APK 의 모든 버전을 제공하며 휴대폰이나 모든 안드로이드 기기에 직접 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. 위의 링크를 다운로드해야 앱을 다운로드 할 수있는 많은 링크를 볼 수 있습니다. 물론 에뮬레이터를 사용해야하므로 PC에서 Namida APK 을 사용할 수 있습니다. 당사 사이트의 모든 앱과 게임은 개인적인 용도로만 사용됩니다. Android에서 무료로 Namida APK 을 다운로드하세요.