My Little Sister APK 다운로드

My Little Sister APK icon
앱 작성자:
1.0 Android 용
필수 안드로이드:
Android 4.4+
업데이트 날짜:
9 22, 2023
81.5 MB

About My Little Sister APK


A high school student named Suhan has trouble getting along with his sister Sunmi. One day, he visited Jinyong's house and saw Jinyong get along well with his sister. Jinyong pulls out a small stone and tells the envious Suhan, "I was not on good terms with my sister either, but this helped us get along."

With the magic of the stone, Suhan was able to change Sunmi's memories one by one, and because of the changed past, he got close to her. After Suhan fell in love with changing the past, things began to happen that never occurred before.

Could you be my little sister?

This is generally referred to as a Visual Novel. (Example: NEKOPARA, Sakura, etc.)

Each time you make a choice at the decision points, the plot changes, resulting in a different ending.

Before these decision points, the prologue portion of the game will conclude.


A time travel stone can help you reach a closer sibling relationship with Sunmi.

Depending on how you treat Sunmi when you time travel, your relationship with her will be affected.

Time travel, however, is not always a positive experience.

If you end your time travel at a different time, the ending will be very different.

Until these decision points are reached, the prologue portion of the game will have been completed.

다운로드 My Little Sister APK Android 용

My Little Sister APK 은 스토어에서 사용할 수있는 Android 앱입니다. 최신 버전 ( 1.0 )을 포함한 모든 버전을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. My Little Sister APK 은 설치 횟수가 10,000,000 회 이상인 앱입니다. 장치에 My Little Sister APK 을 설치하려는 경우 81.5 MB 공간이 있어야하며, Android 장치에도 Android 4.4+ Android OS 버전 이상이 있어야합니다. My Little Sister APK 은 Adventure 장르의 씨즈어스 개발자가 만들었습니다.

ApkClone 은 My Little Sister APK 의 모든 버전을 제공하며 휴대폰이나 모든 안드로이드 기기에 직접 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. 위의 링크를 다운로드해야 앱을 다운로드 할 수있는 많은 링크를 볼 수 있습니다. 물론 에뮬레이터를 사용해야하므로 PC에서 My Little Sister APK 을 사용할 수 있습니다. 당사 사이트의 모든 앱과 게임은 개인적인 용도로만 사용됩니다. Android에서 무료로 My Little Sister APK 을 다운로드하세요.