앱 작성자:
9.8 Android 용
필수 안드로이드:
Android 5.0+
업데이트 날짜:
10 13, 2023
19.5 MB


With LSBTV NEXT, you can watch football, movies, and other sports for free.

This app is free, so there aren't many hacks if you run into dead channels, lags, or delayed live events, because it's free. Although IsBTV offers free premium channels, IsBTV will continue to provide these channels for free. All existing channels are the result of various applications and streaming online TV, both paid and free, and IsBtv accepts no responsibility for any claims arising from those who feel disadvantaged. By using this app, you agree to the risks associated with it.

In addition to watching TV on the television, you can also stream them on your smartphone if you have internet access.

HeavenTekno shares LSBTV, a television streaming application for Android. It is one of many television streaming applications available.

With LSBTV, an Android application, we can stream television broadcasts on our smartphones.

LSBTV offers a wide selection of channels, including football channels, which are very popular right now.

Several football channels are available. The world cup is currently being held in Qatar, as we all know.

With this application, you can watch World Cup broadcasts from the country you support wherever you are.

There is also a badminton TV channel you can watch alongside football channels.

This application allows you to watch football or badminton shows without banner ads or popups that are usually found in free applications.

You can download LSBTV for free by clicking the download button above.

다운로드 LSBTV APK Android 용

LSBTV APK 은 스토어에서 사용할 수있는 Android 앱입니다. 최신 버전 ( 9.8 )을 포함한 모든 버전을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. LSBTV APK 은 설치 횟수가 10,000,000 회 이상인 앱입니다. 장치에 LSBTV APK 을 설치하려는 경우 19.5 MB 공간이 있어야하며, Android 장치에도 Android 5.0+ Android OS 버전 이상이 있어야합니다. LSBTV APK 은 Entertainment 장르의 LSBTV NEXT 개발자가 만들었습니다.

ApkClone 은 LSBTV APK 의 모든 버전을 제공하며 휴대폰이나 모든 안드로이드 기기에 직접 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. 위의 링크를 다운로드해야 앱을 다운로드 할 수있는 많은 링크를 볼 수 있습니다. 물론 에뮬레이터를 사용해야하므로 PC에서 LSBTV APK 을 사용할 수 있습니다. 당사 사이트의 모든 앱과 게임은 개인적인 용도로만 사용됩니다. Android에서 무료로 LSBTV APK 을 다운로드하세요.