Yarimono APK ダウンロード

Yarimono APK icon
072 Project
1.0 アンドロイド用
Android 6.0+
8 14, 2024
323 MB

About Yarimono APK

150 unique monsters to choose from! An incredibly rich and massive RPG.

Make sure you train your monster with the goal of becoming the champion!

The cheat move "Cheat Tackle" can only be used by the main character's partner.

The attack guarantees the first strike and the kill with a single strike.

The easy mode even allows you to use it indefinitely!


A mystical creature known as a Yarimon lives in this world.

Known for being the weakest Yarimon among the protagonists... until now, that is.

Yarimon's partner, the protagonist Yarimon, learned a godly-powerful move with a power level of 800,000.

As a result, the protagonist's world changed forever, as this move will one-shot any opponent in battle (though it is only usable once).

It would be foolish to believe that one can become a champion by making one single move. To be successful as a trainer, one must continue to hone his or her skills and diversify their tactics.

Being able to defeat my childhood friend for the first time is already an amazing accomplishment.

After losing so much money to her, I can finally get it back...

A childhood friend of mine convinced me to go on a journey after she told me she was going on one.

The secrets of this world slowly reveal themselves to me as I am adventuring.

It was at this point that I felt like my journey had really begun.

Completing the Yarimon Encyclopedia (Yaridex) is your goal!

Features of Yarimono APK

  • Play a monster-taming RPG
  • Strive relentlessly towards the championship and collect a variety of Yarimon!
  • A wild Yarimon or a trainer can be fought to gain experience points.
  • As EXP shards become available, you will be able to freely allocate EXP to your favorite Yarimon!
  • Get to the bottom of this world's secrets and uncover the truth!
  • Investigate this world's secrets, gradually discovering its truth!
  • Monsters numbering over 150
  • Each character has its own pixel art
  • Character illustrations and facial expressions for each character
  • The existence of a monster index

ダウンロード Yarimono APK アンドロイド用

Yarimono APK は、ストアで入手できるAndroidアプリです。 最新バージョンを含むすべてのバージョンをダウンロードできます- 1.0 Yarimono APK は、インストール数が10,000,000を超えるアプリです。 デバイスに Yarimono APK をインストールする場合は、 323 MB スペースを使用できる必要があります。また、Androidデバイスには Android 6.0+ Android OS バージョン以降が必要です。 Yarimono APK は、開発者 072 Project によって Role Playing のジャンルで作成されました。

ApkClone は Yarimono APK のすべてのバージョンを提供しており、携帯電話または任意の Android デバイスに直接ダウンロードできます。そのためには、アプリをダウンロードするための多くのリンクが表示される上記のリンクからダウンロードする必要があります。 もちろん、エミュレーターを使用する必要があるため、PCで Yarimono APK を使用することもできます。 当サイトのすべてのアプリとゲームは、個人的な使用のみを目的としています。 Androidで Yarimono APK を無料でダウンロードします。