The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK Unduh

The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK icon
Aplikasi oleh:
1.09 untuk Android
Diperlukan Android:
Android 5.0+
Diperbarui pada:
Agu 10, 2022
38 MB

About The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK

Now, you download the agreement for Android to play the ancient stories of the Bible. In this game, you can choose between good and bad and interact with different characters to put the story in the right place.

In addition, you can create your own character to fulfill this role in the future. Get money and share or contact others with knowledge. The choice is yours.

This is clearly a passion project for those interested in the stories of the Book of God. So, many religious and spiritual people will enjoy playing through this game and learning from all these different examples of history.

However, religion is a contentious issue for some. Therefore, we do not recommend taking this game seriously unless you are easily offended.


The graphics are nothing special in The You Testament. In fact, the graphics are much larger than those seen in older computer games in the mid-2000s. The art style is not very attractive and the lack of HD quality makes it more imperfect.

Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. What’s more, they are more attracted by the content of the stories.

Technically, it can be said that you see graphics as passive. After all, those who choose to play the game are probably just because of the honesty of the biblical stories.

The You Testament MOD APK for free Download

Take advantage of the game by downloading the latest version of The You Testament MOD APK for Android.

This version gives you something more for fun. These include:

  • Unlock all characters

Download the game now for your Android mobile device.

Unduh The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK untuk Android

The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK adalah Aplikasi Android yang tersedia di Store kami. Anda dapat mengunduh semua versi, termasuk versi terbaru - 1.09 . The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK adalah aplikasi yang memiliki lebih dari 10.000.000+ pemasangan. Jika Anda akan menginstal The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK di perangkat Anda, itu harus memiliki 38 MB ruang yang tersedia, juga perangkat android Anda harus memiliki Android 5.0+ versi OS Android atau lebih tinggi. The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK dibuat oleh developer MDickie dalam genre Adventure.

ApkClone Menyediakan semua versi The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK dan Anda dapat mengunduhnya langsung ke ponsel Anda atau perangkat android apa pun Untuk Itu Anda harus mengunduh tautan di atas, di mana Anda dapat melihat banyak tautan untuk mengunduh aplikasi. Tentu saja Anda bisa menggunakan The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK di pc Anda untuk itu Anda harus menggunakan emulator. Semua aplikasi dan game di situs kami hanya ditujukan untuk penggunaan pribadi. Unduh The You Testament 1.082 Latest APK Gratis di Android.