Aplikasi oleh:
myme games
1.32 untuk Android
Diperlukan Android:
Android 4.4+
Diperbarui pada:
Feb 20, 2024
89 MB


DEFENDUN! Dungeon Defense!

Dependon's world of strategy begins!

We need to understand the strength of the three basic units. We must understand the amazing abilities of warriors, archers, and wizards

Creating endless strategies for battle is possible when you combine them.

See more information here

You can get started by clicking "Game Introduction!"


The amazing combination of units by Dependent!

The three basic units warrior, archer, and wizard combine to unleash more than 100 abilities.

With amazing abilities and unit evolution, you can create a whole new world!

You will fall in love with the charm of Dependent when you experience a variety of battle strategies.

Card Draw

The exciting adventure of Dependan!

In the box, you will find three unexpected cards. This card increases the power of your units

Discover a world you never knew existed by relying on random luck.

Make sure you don't miss out on Dependan's adventure.

As enemies grow stronger, they become more dangerous

A stronger enemy poses a dangerous challenge! Beware of terrifying attacks!

Take on the challenge of entering an unknown world! Discover the hidden gimmick. Step into the Dependent's journey and overcome new challenges.

Save Function

There is finally a save function that has been requested by many guardians!

Dependan has been updated. Please refer to this and enjoy it.

Thanks a lot.

Unduh DEFENDUN APK untuk Android

DEFENDUN APK adalah Aplikasi Android yang tersedia di Store kami. Anda dapat mengunduh semua versi, termasuk versi terbaru - 1.32 . DEFENDUN APK adalah aplikasi yang memiliki lebih dari 10.000.000+ pemasangan. Jika Anda akan menginstal DEFENDUN APK di perangkat Anda, itu harus memiliki 89 MB ruang yang tersedia, juga perangkat android Anda harus memiliki Android 4.4+ versi OS Android atau lebih tinggi. DEFENDUN APK dibuat oleh developer myme games dalam genre Casual.

ApkClone Menyediakan semua versi DEFENDUN APK dan Anda dapat mengunduhnya langsung ke ponsel Anda atau perangkat android apa pun Untuk Itu Anda harus mengunduh tautan di atas, di mana Anda dapat melihat banyak tautan untuk mengunduh aplikasi. Tentu saja Anda bisa menggunakan DEFENDUN APK di pc Anda untuk itu Anda harus menggunakan emulator. Semua aplikasi dan game di situs kami hanya ditujukan untuk penggunaan pribadi. Unduh DEFENDUN APK Gratis di Android.