Aplikasi oleh:
9.8 untuk Android
Diperlukan Android:
Android 5.0+
Diperbarui pada:
Nov 11, 2023
20.5 MB


This entertainment application is not just a regular entertainment application, but also a versatile bridge between many famous platforms. With a friendly and easy-to-use user interface, users can easily search and explore a wide variety of entertaining content from around the world.

Its ability to connect to a variety of devices, from smartphones to tablets and smart TVs, means users can enjoy entertainment wherever they are without being bound to a specific device.

Connect TV offers an ever-growing library of content, including movies, TV shows and music videos. The app's content team is constantly updating, ensuring that users always have new and exciting content to enjoy.

Max Connect TV APK offers users a vivid world of entertainment while maintaining convenience and flexibility with sharp image and sound quality. Furthermore, the smart search feature allows users to easily choose the content they love, providing a uniquely personalized experience.

Features of Connect TV APK

The Connect TV APK is designed with various features that make watching TV more enjoyable and comfortable:

  • A variety of TV channels: Provides access to hundreds of channels from various countries and genres, such as sports, news, and entertainment.
  • HD Streaming Quality: Provides video quality that can be adjusted based on upload and download speeds.
  • Easy-to-use User Interface: An easy-to-use interface that makes searching and navigating content easy for users.
  • Device Compatibility: Works on a variety of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and smart televisions.
  • Content Updates: The content offered is constantly updated with the latest and most popular shows.

Unduh CONNECT TV APK untuk Android

CONNECT TV APK adalah Aplikasi Android yang tersedia di Store kami. Anda dapat mengunduh semua versi, termasuk versi terbaru - 9.8 . CONNECT TV APK adalah aplikasi yang memiliki lebih dari 10.000.000+ pemasangan. Jika Anda akan menginstal CONNECT TV APK di perangkat Anda, itu harus memiliki 20.5 MB ruang yang tersedia, juga perangkat android Anda harus memiliki Android 5.0+ versi OS Android atau lebih tinggi. CONNECT TV APK dibuat oleh developer CONNECTTV dalam genre Entertainment.

ApkClone Menyediakan semua versi CONNECT TV APK dan Anda dapat mengunduhnya langsung ke ponsel Anda atau perangkat android apa pun Untuk Itu Anda harus mengunduh tautan di atas, di mana Anda dapat melihat banyak tautan untuk mengunduh aplikasi. Tentu saja Anda bisa menggunakan CONNECT TV APK di pc Anda untuk itu Anda harus menggunakan emulator. Semua aplikasi dan game di situs kami hanya ditujukan untuk penggunaan pribadi. Unduh CONNECT TV APK Gratis di Android.