Cisini Stories MOD APK Unduh

Cisini Stories MOD APK icon
Aplikasi oleh:
Ikan Asin Production
1.81.2b untuk Android
Diperlukan Android:
Android 6.0+
Diperbarui pada:
Mei 28, 2024
184.3 MB

About Cisini Stories MOD APK

Would you like to work with a doctor who treats you with compassion? A civil servant who is willing to devote his life to you? A brave police/military man who is ready to protect you? Or do you just want a handsome manager who is always there when you need him?

What if handsome guys with dreamy lives were always ready to fight over you?

Discover the pixel art world of Cisini, full of familiar characters from your daily life, and meet the anime handsome boys of your dreams!

Make your relationship with the handsome man of your choice better, and live your romantic story with him. If you can't pick one, approach several men, and they will fight over you.

Remember to choose the right clothes when you meet your dream guy! There are tons of cute, pretty, and beautiful clothes for you to choose from!

You can improve your relationship with many characters in various ways. You can chat with them, make delicious dishes, get unique fish, grow a perfect vegetable, and craft cute items! Be aware, not everyone likes your good deeds. You have to keep your wits about you as you face them!

Ensure everything goes smoothly on your happy day by having the perfect relationship and wedding with the perfect guy for you.

During this otome game, your hopes and dreams will come true.

Unduh Cisini Stories MOD APK untuk Android

Cisini Stories MOD APK adalah Aplikasi Android yang tersedia di Store kami. Anda dapat mengunduh semua versi, termasuk versi terbaru - 1.81.2b . Cisini Stories MOD APK adalah aplikasi yang memiliki lebih dari 10.000.000+ pemasangan. Jika Anda akan menginstal Cisini Stories MOD APK di perangkat Anda, itu harus memiliki 184.3 MB ruang yang tersedia, juga perangkat android Anda harus memiliki Android 6.0+ versi OS Android atau lebih tinggi. Cisini Stories MOD APK dibuat oleh developer Ikan Asin Production dalam genre Role Playing.

ApkClone Menyediakan semua versi Cisini Stories MOD APK dan Anda dapat mengunduhnya langsung ke ponsel Anda atau perangkat android apa pun Untuk Itu Anda harus mengunduh tautan di atas, di mana Anda dapat melihat banyak tautan untuk mengunduh aplikasi. Tentu saja Anda bisa menggunakan Cisini Stories MOD APK di pc Anda untuk itu Anda harus menggunakan emulator. Semua aplikasi dan game di situs kami hanya ditujukan untuk penggunaan pribadi. Unduh Cisini Stories MOD APK Gratis di Android.