Breeze Icons Library APK Unduh

Breeze Icons Library APK icon
Aplikasi oleh:
2.1 untuk Android
Diperlukan Android:
Android 5.0+
Diperbarui pada:
Jun 10, 2024
7.6 MB

About Breeze Icons Library APK

The Breeze Icons Library consists of 4,789 icons licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1. All icons may be used for commercial or personal use.

The Breeze Icons Library is an amazing open-source icon set that was originally designed and built for an open-source operating system. It has more than 4,700 icons. One of the advantages of OS-based icon sets is their size: they often contain unique and distinct icons that designers and developers can use.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I use graphics from the "Breeze Icons Library" for personal projects?

All icons & illustrations are free for personal use, including websites, designs, presentations, etc.

Would "Breeze Icons Library" graphics be suitable for commercial use?

The icons and illustrations can be used for commercial purposes, but may require attribution (e.g. a link). If the icon or illustration is a logo or trademark, it may be owned by another company.

Are these icons & illustrations free to download?

Our icons and illustrations have been open-sourced, so you can download them for free. You don't need to sign up with Iconduck, but you can subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when new icons are available.

How can I find "Breeze Icons Library" free icons & illustrations?

On this website, you can find 273,858 free open source icons and illustrations. You can also find the Breeze Icons Library icons, illustrations, graphics, and emojis.

Unduh Breeze Icons Library APK untuk Android

Breeze Icons Library APK adalah Aplikasi Android yang tersedia di Store kami. Anda dapat mengunduh semua versi, termasuk versi terbaru - 2.1 . Breeze Icons Library APK adalah aplikasi yang memiliki lebih dari 10.000.000+ pemasangan. Jika Anda akan menginstal Breeze Icons Library APK di perangkat Anda, itu harus memiliki 7.6 MB ruang yang tersedia, juga perangkat android Anda harus memiliki Android 5.0+ versi OS Android atau lebih tinggi. Breeze Icons Library APK dibuat oleh developer KDE dalam genre Tools.

ApkClone Menyediakan semua versi Breeze Icons Library APK dan Anda dapat mengunduhnya langsung ke ponsel Anda atau perangkat android apa pun Untuk Itu Anda harus mengunduh tautan di atas, di mana Anda dapat melihat banyak tautan untuk mengunduh aplikasi. Tentu saja Anda bisa menggunakan Breeze Icons Library APK di pc Anda untuk itu Anda harus menggunakan emulator. Semua aplikasi dan game di situs kami hanya ditujukan untuk penggunaan pribadi. Unduh Breeze Icons Library APK Gratis di Android.