ServiCupet Pro APK Descargar

ServiCupet Pro APK icon
Aplicación por:
Lierly Ortega Groero
Versión: para Android
Android requerido:
Android 5.1+
Actualizado en:
dic. 10, 2024
38.0 MB

About ServiCupet Pro APK

ServiCupet Pro APK is a highly practical application designed to help users monitor and manage fuel availability at service stations across the country. With real-time updates, geolocation features, and user-friendly navigation, this app is an indispensable tool for anyone who needs reliable information about fuel supplies.

Key Features of ServiCupet Pro APK

Real-Time Fuel Updates

The app provides updates approximately every 20 minutes, showing the last time fuel was supplied to a service station. This feature helps users identify locations likely to have available fuel, though it does not guarantee availability at the time of arrival.

Color-Coded Fuel Status

ServiCupet Pro uses a simple and intuitive color-coded system to indicate fuel supply recency:

  • GREEN: Fuel supplied within the last 2 days (high probability of availability).
  • YELLOW: Fuel supplied within 3 to 4 days (moderate probability of availability).
  • RED: Fuel supplied more than 5 days ago (low probability of availability).
  • BLACK: No fuel available based on the selected filter.

Detailed Station Information

By clicking on a service station, users can view comprehensive details, including:

  • Date and time of the last fuel delivery.
  • Station address and telephone number.
  • A direct call option via the app to confirm fuel availability.

Customizable Filters

  • Fuel Type Filter: Select the type of fuel you are searching for.
  • Province Filter: Adjust the results to display service stations within a specific province, ideal for those traveling across regions.

GPS and Map Integration

The APK uses GPS to locate nearby service stations and provides a map-based representation of national service centers. Users can easily identify stations closest to their location.

Additional Features

User-Friendly Interface

  • User Registration and Authentication: A secure login system ensures personalized access to the app’s features.
  • Favorites List: Mark frequently visited service stations as favorites for quick access.
  • Offline Information Storage: Essential data about service centers is saved locally, allowing users to access it even without an internet connection.

Fuel Cost Calculator

The app includes a tool to calculate the cost of refueling based on the latest fuel prices, making it easier for users to budget their expenses.

Subscription Model

The app requires an annual subscription of 50 CUP, payable through the Transfermovil payment gateway.

After 365 days, the subscription must be renewed to continue using the app.


ServiCupet Pro APK is available for devices running Android 4.5 or higher, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of smartphones.

How to Use ServiCupet Pro APK?

Step 1: Register and Log In

Create an account and log in to unlock the app's full functionality.

Step 2: Set Filters

Use the filter options to select your preferred fuel type and province. This ensures that the results are tailored to your specific needs.

Step 3: Check Service Stations

Refer to the color-coded map to identify stations with recent fuel deliveries. Tap on a station to view additional details.

Step 4: Confirm Fuel Availability

Call the service station directly through the app to confirm the current fuel status.

Step 5: Plan Refueling Stops

Use the GPS feature to locate stations near your current location and add favorites for future reference.

Important Notes

  • Delivery Dates: The delivery date shown in the app reflects the departure of the fuel truck from the loading dock, not its arrival at the station. Delays may occur due to distance or multiple deliveries.
  • Fuel Availability: Stations marked as green are more likely to have fuel, but availability is not guaranteed. Always confirm directly with the station.
  • Upcoming Features: Efforts are underway to integrate the app with CIMEX to provide more accurate, real-time information about fuel stocks at service stations.

Why Choose ServiCupet Pro APK?

ServiCupet Pro stands out as a practical solution for managing fuel needs. Its real-time updates, customizable filters, and intuitive design make it a reliable companion for drivers. Whether you're planning a long trip or navigating fuel shortages, this app ensures you're always informed and prepared.

Get ServiCupet Pro APK today and take control of your fuel planning with ease!

Descargar ServiCupet Pro APK para Android

ServiCupet Pro APK es una aplicación de Android que está disponible en nuestra tienda. Puede descargar todas las versiones, incluida la última versión: . ServiCupet Pro APK es una aplicación que tiene más de 10,000,000+ instalaciones. Si va a instalar ServiCupet Pro APK en su dispositivo, debe tener el espacio 38.0 MB disponible, también su dispositivo Android debe tener la versión Android 5.1+ del sistema operativo Android o superior. ServiCupet Pro APK fue creado por el desarrollador Lierly Ortega Groero en el género de Entertainment.

ApkClone proporciona todas las versiones de ServiCupet Pro APK y puede descargarlo directamente a su teléfono o cualquier dispositivo Android. Para eso, debe descargar el enlace anterior, donde puede ver muchos enlaces para descargar la aplicación. Por supuesto, puede usar ServiCupet Pro APK en su PC para eso, debe usar emuladores. Todas las aplicaciones y juegos de nuestro sitio están destinados solo para uso personal. Descarga ServiCupet Pro APK gratis en Android.