AlpineQuest Pro APK Descargar

AlpineQuest Pro APK icon
Aplicación por:
2.3.9b para Android
Android requerido:
Android 2.1+
Actualizado en:
feb. 14, 2025
8.2 MB

About AlpineQuest Pro APK

AlpineQuest is the complete solution for all outdoor activities and sports, including hiking, running, trailing, hunting, sailing, geocaching, off-road navigation, and more. With a focus on privacy, AlpineQuest ensures no advertisements, no data sharing, no monetization, and no analytics.

Comprehensive Map Support

AlpineQuest provides access to a wide range of online topographic maps, which can be stored locally for offline use. Even when out of cell coverage, you can rely on AlpineQuest for navigation. The app supports multiple on-board raster map formats, making it a versatile tool for outdoor enthusiasts.

Keymap features include:

  • Built-in online maps with automatic local storage, including road, topographic, and satellite maps;
  • Online layers such as road names, hillshade, and contour lines;
  • Complete area storage for offline use;
  • Support for a variety of offline raster maps including KMZ Overlays, OziExplorer OZFx2/OZFx3, GeoTiff, GeoPackage, MbTile, SqliteDB, and TMS zipped tiles;
  • QuickChart Memory Map support for .qct maps;
  • Image calibration tool to transform scans or pictures into maps;
  • Digital elevation model storage and support for HGT elevation files (1-arcsec and 3-arcsec resolution) to enhance terrain visualization;
  • Polar maps support for Arctic and Antarctic regions;
  • Layered maps display with full customization of opacity, contrast, color, tint, and blending options.

Advanced Placemarks and GPS Tracking

AlpineQuest allows you to create, store, and manage unlimited placemarks for enhanced navigation and tracking. The app offers:

  • Import/export support for GPX, KML/KMZ, CSV/TSV files;
  • Compatibility with ShapeFile SHP/PRJ/DBF, OziExplorer WPT/PLT, GeoJSON, IGC tracks, and Geocaching LOC waypoints;
  • AutoCAD DXF export support;
  • Community placemarks for easy sharing of locations with other users;
  • Detailed statistics and interactive graphics for tracking activities;
  • Time Controller feature to replay time-tagged tracks.

Real-Time GNSS Positioning and Orientation

Never get lost again with real-time geolocation using your device’s GNSS receivers (GPS, Glonass, Galileo, etc.). AlpineQuest includes:

  • Map orientation and compass display to align with your view;
  • Built-in GNSS and barometric track recorder, running efficiently in a separate lightweight process;
  • Proximity alerts and leave-path notifications;
  • Barometer support for compatible devices.

Offline Functionality and Battery Efficiency

AlpineQuest remains fully functional even without cell coverage, making it ideal for mountain adventures and remote areas. The app is designed to be light on battery consumption, ensuring long-lasting use for extended outdoor trips.

  • Customizable Measurement Units and Coordinates
  • AlpineQuest supports multiple distance units and coordinate formats, including:
  • Metric, imperial, nautical, and hybrid distance units;
  • Latitude/Longitude and various grid coordinate formats (WGS, UTM, MGRS, USNG, OSGB, SK42, Lambert, QTH, and many more);
  • On-map grid displays with hundreds of supported coordinate formats.

Try AlpineQuest Today!

Experience the best outdoor navigation app with AlpineQuest. Download the free Lite version now and explore its powerful features. For support, suggestions, and issue reporting, visit the AlpineQuest Forum—no registration needed, and all questions are answered promptly.

Descargar AlpineQuest Pro APK para Android

AlpineQuest Pro APK es una aplicación de Android que está disponible en nuestra tienda. Puede descargar todas las versiones, incluida la última versión: 2.3.9b . AlpineQuest Pro APK es una aplicación que tiene más de 10,000,000+ instalaciones. Si va a instalar AlpineQuest Pro APK en su dispositivo, debe tener el espacio 8.2 MB disponible, también su dispositivo Android debe tener la versión Android 2.1+ del sistema operativo Android o superior. AlpineQuest Pro APK fue creado por el desarrollador Psyberia en el género de Maps & navigation.

ApkClone proporciona todas las versiones de AlpineQuest Pro APK y puede descargarlo directamente a su teléfono o cualquier dispositivo Android. Para eso, debe descargar el enlace anterior, donde puede ver muchos enlaces para descargar la aplicación. Por supuesto, puede usar AlpineQuest Pro APK en su PC para eso, debe usar emuladores. Todas las aplicaciones y juegos de nuestro sitio están destinados solo para uso personal. Descarga AlpineQuest Pro APK gratis en Android.