Unsorted VHS APK Download

Unsorted VHS APK icon
App By:
Mike Klubnika
1.2 for Android
Required Android:
Android 5.0+
Updated On:
Jan 02, 2024
199 MB

About Unsorted VHS APK

This atmospheric puzzle horror game asks you to sort through a box of miscellaneous VHS tapes. Trace your steps and try to figure out how you got here.

Features of Unsorted VHS APK

  • VHS tapes with five unique titles.
  • Tactile approach to horror found in found footage.
  • An emphasis on details and visual storytelling in a narrative.
  • Retro aesthetic with a modern twist.


WASD - Movement

SPACE - Menu Selection

E - Interact

F - Inspect Tape

G - Eject Tape

Download Unsorted VHS APK for Android

Unsorted VHS APK is Android App that available on our Store. You could download all versions, including latest version - 1.2. Unsorted VHS APK is app that has more than 10,000,000+ installs. If You going to install Unsorted VHS APK on your device, it should have 199 MB space available, also your android device need to have Android 5.0+ Android OS version or higher. Unsorted VHS APK was created by developer Mike Klubnika in genre of Simulation.

ApkClone is Providing all versions of Unsorted VHS APK and you can download it directly to your phone or any android device For That you should download given above link, where you could see many links to download app. Of course you could use Unsorted VHS APK on your pc for that you should use emulators. All apps and games on our site is intended only for personal use. Download Unsorted VHS APK For Free on Android.