Chained Together APK Download

Chained Together APK icon
App By:
Anegar Games
1.7.5 for Android
Required Android:
Android 5.0+
Updated On:
Jun 26, 2024
4.3 GB

About Chained Together APK

Experience the epic adventure of "Chained Together"

As you begin your journey, chained to your companions, you must climb as high as you can to escape hell.

Attempt to scale the platforms with perfect coordination and escape the scorching heat. Navigate a multitude of worlds, each offering a different challenge.

Discover diverse worlds

The world introduces new challenges with each passing day.

Multiplayer or solo mode

The game supports up to four players for local multiplayer, whether you are going it alone or teaming up with friends.

Physics of Realistic Chains

Chains are not just visual elements, they follow a physics simulation that allows them to wrap around platforms.

Various game modes

A variety of difficulty levels are available in the game, including Beginner, Normal, and Lava.

  • Beginner: In the pause menu, you can teleport back to the highest point you reached before you fell.
  • Normal: No specific assistance, you must restart in case of failure.
  • Lava: Climb quickly before the lava consumes you.

Normal and Lava modes are the only modes that are eligible for leaderboards and Steam achievements.


With leaderboards that compare completion times across different player configurations, you can track your escape speed.

With each step, you'll get closer to the summit, whether you're playing solo or in multi-player mode with up to 4 players.

Download Chained Together APK for Android

Chained Together APK is Android App that available on our Store. You could download all versions, including latest version - 1.7.5. Chained Together APK is app that has more than 10,000,000+ installs. If You going to install Chained Together APK on your device, it should have 4.3 GB space available, also your android device need to have Android 5.0+ Android OS version or higher. Chained Together APK was created by developer Anegar Games in genre of Entertainment.

ApkClone is Providing all versions of Chained Together APK and you can download it directly to your phone or any android device For That you should download given above link, where you could see many links to download app. Of course you could use Chained Together APK on your pc for that you should use emulators. All apps and games on our site is intended only for personal use. Download Chained Together APK For Free on Android.