We help you find movies showing in cinemas, new releases that are about to open, and upcoming movies that will be released soon. We also provide movie info about the movies, including synopsis, cast, and trailers.
This app makes it easy to discover great movies at the cinema, documentaries, and TV shows.
With our Alspeed Play(Cinema HD app), you'll never run out of entertainment. Online movie reviews, movie ratings, and trailers are updated automatically, which means you will always be able to find new free movie recommendations.
Did you ever have trouble finding the best top movies on the web? Do we have more than just movies for you? Let's help you find everything you need about your favorite movies online.
- Online movies are free to watch with this app, no registration is required.
- There are many advantages to HD video quality, including clear sound.
- Movies you can watch now, sorted by popularity and rating
- You can search for movies by their name, genre, or year of release
- Many categories
- Find a movie recommended in HD
- Find movies starring a particular actor
- Organize your favorites by adding movies
- User-friendly interface
- Option of quality
- The most popular movies
- Faster search (Smart Search)
- Fast Streaming
- Subtitle Caption
- Material Design (UI)
- Attractive interface
- Add to favorites
- Show history