Media Station X APK Herunterladen

Media Station X APK icon
App von:
0.1.154 für Android
Erforderliches Android:
Android 4.2+
Aktualisiert am:
Feb 20, 2024
3.4 MB

About Media Station X APK

This cross-platform application lets you create customized media pages (along with videos, audios, images, texts, and links). It doesn't contain any content and is referred to as a White Label Application. Content can either be created by you or shared by others. It is all written in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format with a simple and straightforward structure. Any HTTP server that supports CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) can host the created JSON files.

About Media Station X APK

Media Station X is a cross-platform web application for creating customized media pages (containing videos, audios, images, texts, and links).

Registration is not required and you can use it for free!

The Media Station X can be run on any TV (e.g. smart TVs, set-top boxes, HDMI dongles, and HbbTV devices). Due to its variety of input controls (e.g. remote controls, keyboards, mice, pointers, touch devices, etc.), it can also run on mobile and desktop devices. The application itself contains no content and is a White Label Application. You can either create your own content or open existing and shared content from others. Content is written in the JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation) with a simple and easy-to-use structure. The created JSON files are compatible with any CORS-compatible HTTP server.

Features of Media Station X APK

  • The creation of simple or complex media pages is up to you.
  • Navigate through these media pages using the remote control or pointer on your device.
  • You can create a playlist that contains multiple videos or audio files.
  • Multiple images can be displayed in a slideshow.
  • Watch a video or listen to an audio while browsing further media pages (the video/audio will keep running in the background).
  • Whenever possible, open full-screen links.

Use Cases

Stream videos, audios, and images on your TV, mobile, or desktop device...

  • If you have a public or local HTTP server, you can access it.
  • A NAS (Network Attached Storage) server or other device supporting web servers can be used for this purpose.
  • Cloud storage services (Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.) allow you to share files between your devices.
  • Any HTTP server that provides access to shared content can provide this service.

Design your own

  • You can find local and public videos in a video store.
  • A music station that plays public or local audio.
  • Local or public images can be used in a slide show.
  • You can link to existing HTML5 games or apps through the app store.
  • Links to your HTML5 games and apps on a developer portal.
  • The blog features videos from different video hosting services (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).
  • An IPTV/OTT portal with channels/movies from multiple streaming platforms.

Herunterladen Media Station X APK für Android

Media Station X APK ist eine Android-App, die in unserem Store erhältlich ist. Sie können alle Versionen herunterladen, einschließlich der neuesten Version - 0.1.154 . Media Station X APK ist eine App mit mehr als 10.000.000 Installationen. Wenn Sie Media Station X APK auf Ihrem Gerät installieren möchten, sollte 3.4 MB Speicherplatz verfügbar sein. Außerdem muss auf Ihrem Android-Gerät eine Android-Version von Android 4.2+ oder höher vorhanden sein. Media Station X APK wurde vom Entwickler im Genre Video players & editors erstellt.

ApkClone stellt alle Versionen von Media Station X APK zur Verfügung und Sie können es direkt auf Ihr Telefon oder ein beliebiges Android-Gerät herunterladen. Dafür sollten Sie den oben angegebenen Link herunterladen, wo Sie viele Links zum Herunterladen der App sehen können. Natürlich können Sie Media Station X APK auf Ihrem PC verwenden, dafür sollten Sie Emulatoren verwenden. Alle Apps und Spiele auf unserer Website sind nur für den persönlichen Gebrauch bestimmt. Laden Sie Media Station X APK kostenlos auf Android herunter.