Yes Your Grace APK تحميل

Yes Your Grace APK icon
التطبيق من قبل:
Production_1.0.88_b207 لأجهزة الأندرويد
مطلوب أندرويد:
Android 4.4+
تحديث في:
رجب 22, 1445
825.7 MB

About Yes Your Grace APK

The game is free to try, but you must pay once to unlock the entire story. There are no ads in the game.

A petitioner will appear in your throne room each turn asking for your advice and assistance. You can either assist them with their problems or conserve resources.

  • You need to keep in mind that supplies are limited, and not everyone cares about the kingdom's interests...
  • You should listen to petitioners at each turn and decide who needs your support.
  • Help your family with their personal problems and decide their fate.
  • Your efforts will be aided by hiring Generals, Witches, and Hunters.
  • Make alliances and prepare for battle by satisfying lords and kings' whims.
  • Discover the stories of the quirky and determined characters who visit your halls. The story is based on a medieval kingdom ruled by King Eryk called Davern.

The game is set in a fictional world where monsters and arcane practices influenced by Slavic folklore are the order of the day. You will be asked to assist villagers with a variety of problems, ranging from monster attacks to a lack of relaxing and enjoyable areas. You will be faced with difficult decisions during your time as King. Some will bring humor to your throne room. Your family is important as well, so you will have to support them during that time.

One thing is clear: It won't be easy to keep everyone happy. You will have to fulfill the demands of different lords in order to win the upcoming battle, but some may ask you to perform dirty deeds in order to keep the alliance.

تحميل Yes Your Grace APK لأجهزة الأندرويد

Yes Your Grace APK هو تطبيق Android متاح في متجرنا. يمكنك تنزيل جميع الإصدارات ، بما في ذلك أحدث إصدار - Production_1.0.88_b207 . Yes Your Grace APK هو تطبيق يحتوي على أكثر من 10000000 عملية تثبيت. إذا كنت ستقوم بتثبيت Yes Your Grace APK على جهازك ، فيجب أن يتوفر به 825.7 MB space ، كما يحتاج جهاز Android الخاص بك إلى إصدار Android 4.4+ OS Android أو أعلى تم إنشاء Yes Your Grace APK بواسطة developer Noodlecake في النوع من Role Playing.

يوفر ApkClone جميع إصدارات Yes Your Grace APK ويمكنك تنزيله مباشرة على هاتفك أو أي جهاز يعمل بنظام Android لذلك يجب عليك تنزيل الرابط أعلاه ، حيث يمكنك رؤية العديد من الروابط لتنزيل التطبيق. بالطبع يمكنك استخدام Yes Your Grace APK على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك لذلك يجب عليك استخدام برامج محاكاة. جميع التطبيقات والألعاب على موقعنا مخصصة للاستخدام الشخصي فقط. قم بتنزيل Yes Your Grace APK مجانًا على Android.