Necrofugitive APK تحميل

Necrofugitive APK icon
التطبيق من قبل:
Black Garden Studios
9302023 لأجهزة الأندرويد
مطلوب أندرويد:
Android 5.0+
تحديث في:
ربيع الأول 25, 1446
91 MB

About Necrofugitive APK

Known as a shapeshifter, you worship Skoroz, the eldritch god of chaos. A witch-hunting frenzy has slaughtered all Skoroz's followers, leaving you alone as all of them lie dead, captured, or missing. As a severely weakened and hopelessly outnumbered deity, you are the wrathful deity's last hope for retribution. Against the backdrop of famine, pestilence, and warfare raging across Avencia, you must explore, hide, and fight through a medieval world on the brink of collapse in order to end your rampage. Are you capable of bringing an end to the realms of men through the eldritch powers of your vengeful god?

The story takes place in a Medieval world characterized by unrest, civil war, and superstition. With multiple factions fighting for control over the Kingdom of Avencia, the opportunity for chaos and mayhem is yours. Nonetheless, with a hefty bounty on your head, your enemies are numerous beyond estimation and will relentlessly hunt you down if they see you.

The Prisoner is armed with a deadly arsenal of shapeshifting abilities to combat his enemies. From powerful combat skills to covert stealth and shapeshifting abilities, players can tailor their strategy to their liking. The Prisoner's ultimate ability, Unleash, enables you to transform into a terrifying force capable of destroying entire armies when hopelessly surrounded.


A witchunting frenzy has decimated the Cult of Skoroz. A lone survivor, a nameless cultist simply called Prisoner, is shackled and cast into an inquisitorial dungeon. The Prisoner, cursed with mysterious shapeshifting abilities, escapes his prison by shattering his chains and killing his captors. As a giant manhunt is organized to bring this shapeshifting monster from Hell to justice, the entire realm is thrown into chaos. What chance do you have of surviving the onslaught of mercenaries and bounty hunters sent to take your head?

In Necrofugitive, the world is influenced by the Late Middle Ages, with its fascination with wicked demons and monstrous creatures, as well as the heroic and foolhardy knights sent to destroy them. As whole armies are levied to take down you in Necrofugitive, you are put in the unique perspective of a frightening creature who is elevated to a leviathanic reputation!


Necrofugitive is a 2D action game that replicates the feeling of being hunted.  You will face tough fight-or-flight decisions in a tense, fast-paced gameplay experience - enemies are plentiful, ruthless, will search for you, and will relentlessly chase you down if sighted. Prisoner, however, possesses frightening abilities to help him fight back - his most powerful shapeshifting ability is the ability to transform into a hellish creature capable of destroying entire armies - the Slaughter Demon, a hellish creature of tremendous strength!

Features of Necrofugitive APK

  • Combat based on the rule of "fight or flight" that is intense and fast-paced
  • Several upgradeable abilities and powers for shapeshifting
  • AI enemies with unique and intelligent personalities
  • Pixel art and detailed animations handcrafted by hand
  • An atmospheric setting and background art from the Late Medieval period, with advanced lighting
  • As both a cunning shapeshifter and a rampaging demon, you can play the villain!

تحميل Necrofugitive APK لأجهزة الأندرويد

Necrofugitive APK هو تطبيق Android متاح في متجرنا. يمكنك تنزيل جميع الإصدارات ، بما في ذلك أحدث إصدار - 9302023 . Necrofugitive APK هو تطبيق يحتوي على أكثر من 10000000 عملية تثبيت. إذا كنت ستقوم بتثبيت Necrofugitive APK على جهازك ، فيجب أن يتوفر به 91 MB space ، كما يحتاج جهاز Android الخاص بك إلى إصدار Android 5.0+ OS Android أو أعلى تم إنشاء Necrofugitive APK بواسطة developer Black Garden Studios في النوع من Action.

يوفر ApkClone جميع إصدارات Necrofugitive APK ويمكنك تنزيله مباشرة على هاتفك أو أي جهاز يعمل بنظام Android لذلك يجب عليك تنزيل الرابط أعلاه ، حيث يمكنك رؤية العديد من الروابط لتنزيل التطبيق. بالطبع يمكنك استخدام Necrofugitive APK على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك لذلك يجب عليك استخدام برامج محاكاة. جميع التطبيقات والألعاب على موقعنا مخصصة للاستخدام الشخصي فقط. قم بتنزيل Necrofugitive APK مجانًا على Android.